Friday, March 1, 2013


So I think that this subject requires its own post. My bf loves snowmobiling. He loves riding them, fixing them up, watching races, etc. So I had never been on one in my entire life (I know, how very un-Minnesotan of me) until last weekend when the bf and his mom took me out. They knew I had never gone and I made them fully aware of my fears of them, and so the bf's mom said I could ride with her first cuz she would take it easy. So when we got up and going Saturday morning, I needed to suit up. His moms bf lent me his snow-overalls and a spare coat. I looked like a clown in giant baggy pants and an old teal and purple columbia jacket with a black helmet that was WAY too big on me. So before we went riding, the bf had to change the spark plugs on his moms sled, and I'm sorry (not sorry) but it is hot when boys fix stuff. And he makes it look so easy. I dont even know wtf a spark plug looks like! Haha. But then when we were just about ready to go for a ride, the bf's mom asked him to move her sled around so it was ready to go, so he hopped on the sled, one knee on the seat, half standing up. His coat was open and he had snowpants on. His hat was on backwards and his sunglasses were on. It was one of those moments that is burned into my memory in the best way ever. As he sped around in a circle to move it around, I just watched him and took it all in. The sun was shining so bright, and the sky seemed extra blue from the reflection off the new, white snow that had fallen the night before. And I know that to him it was nothing; he has ridden snowmobiles hundreds of times. But it was new to me. And I have never thought he looked hotter. Just how easily he was able to maneuver the snowmobile and make it look so effortless, and for lack of a better word, sexy. I wish I had a picture of him in that moment, but its in my mind so that is ok too. Anyway, back to the story. So we were ready to go and I jumped on behind his mom, and we took off. The bf led the way and his mom and I followed behind on her sled. We had to go through the neighborhood, down the road, across swamps, and through some woods to reach the lake we were headed for. It was scary at times, I dont know how to adjust my position on such a machine so I am sure it was hard for his mom to have me as a rider. But I tried. It was amazingly gorgeous out. I mean, best day of the entire winter, hands down. Bright and sunny, blue clear sky, perfect new layer of white snow. God got it so right that day. So it helped keep me from getting too scared as I rode through some crazy terrain. I was busy trying not to fall off and die while also watching the bf up ahead and hope HE wouldnt die either. Lots of worry was going on, but I tried to be calm and enjoy it anyway. But the by is a bit of a daredevil and was going really fast, taking jumps, and tipping his sled. Just having fun, really. Once we reached the halfway point and decided to head back, we switched and the bf took his moms sled, and she took his and I got to ride with him. Well, he thought it was funny to go super fast and try to scare me and get me to yell at him. But I didnt. I knew he wouldnt endanger me, plus I liked holding onto him tighter ;) It was a nice ride back just in the silence and beauty of a perfect February day, arms around my love. I know how much he loves snowmobiling, so the fact that he wanted to share that with me meant a lot. Plus to be able to indulge him in going on a ride made me really happy. When we got back to his house and took our helmets off, we sat on the sleds, side by side, and just took in the beauty of the day. It sounds goofy but I really did have a great time. I mean, I am still scared of it, but I lived this time so I must say I did enjoy myself. And of course I had to find out I like riding snowmobiles right in time for March, meaning there will likely be no more opportunity to go for another ride this winter. Oh well, that one ride was so great I will be alright :) Now I just have to come up with other reasons to hold on to him like I would while riding...

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